Multi-Day Tour System: Softrip’s Proven Process

Multi-day tour system: Softrip's proven process

Multi-Day Tour System: Softrip’s Proven Process 

For tour operators, choosing a multi-day tour system starts with a proven process that ensures help, guidance, and expertise from onboarding to implementation and beyond. Here at Softrip, we’ve got a trusted track record and over 100+ years of travel industry experience combined to lead the way for our customers to have a successful operation for their tour business on our comprehensive platform. Our team knows how daunting it can be not just to choose a new software system, but to onboard and feel that your business will be adequately supported.  

Download our Softrip Proven Process Guide  

As a multi-day tour system, Softrip customers have enjoyed ongoing benefits of our all-in-one travel software long after they sign on. With a 99% onboarding success rate and over 15 tailored training sessions, our proven process will get you where you need to be with your new operating software in just around 60 days. Even better, our customers have seen returns on investment in just a little over a month after being fully implemented in our system. And once you’re a customer, you’re part of the Softrip family: support doesn’t just stop when your team is up and running.  

Let’s take a quick look at how our proven onboarding process works: 

Multi-Day Tour System Kick Off: 

This is your personalized success plan. We’ll get scheduling and timeline alignment taken care of, so we have a plan on the calendar that works for everyone. This is an opportunity to get your entire team involved and familiar with the Softrip process, too! You’ll have a full understanding of what materials you will need for every stage of the process – we have plenty of examples to guide you in the right direction to prepare for onboarding.  

Multi-Day Tour System Training: 

Don’t worry; our team are experts in this area! Each aspect of our platform will have its own training component: overall system preferences, contracts, reservations, CRM & marketing, operations and automations, accounting, custom groups, and more. We’ll make sure everyone that needs to be involved for each section is fully up to speed on what to do and how to make it happen.  

Multi-Day Tour System Data Loading and Working Sessions: 

If you’ve been keeping data for your business strewn among various spreadsheets, documents, and platforms, this is the good part! It’s time to get all of your important information in one place so that your team will have one source of truth built just for your tour operator needs. Each department will have 1-3 sessions depending on the need. We have multiple options for loading data whether it’s manual, automated, or both! Plus, this will help you create product reservations and marketing operations and groups.  

Multi-Day Tour System Feature Acceleration: 

It’s not over until it’s over! During this part of the onboarding proven process, your team will work with our Softrip technical team for any necessary solutions. You’ll see wireframes for product overviews and see features in a live test environment. From there, you’ll provide feedback, we will adjust, and the final system will come together. It’s always one of the most rewarding parts when you see the finished product.  

Multi-Day Tour System Go Live: 

This will be the culmination and reward of the work you put into onboarding successfully. With your live system, you’ll be able to use Softrip templates to nail launch and training communication for users. Your own expert admins can train your teams to make sure that everyone is on the same page and speaking the same language. Your Softrip Customer Success Manager will be close by as you go live to ensure continued success and optimal use of our comprehensive travel platform.  

The Softrip Customer Experience: 

Our Softrip Customer Success team provides our users with the highest quality of support and guidance. As a Softrip customer, you’ll enjoy many benefits that will help you make the most of our multi-day tour system, stay updated on travel industry news and updates, and learn new insights into making your tour business the best it can be. You will… 

  • Track success with annual Executive Business Reviews 
  • Meet regularly with your CSM for optimal support 
  • Provide feedback and suggestions 
  • Attend monthly educational webinars 
  • Stay updated with monthly Softrip newsletters  
  • Schedule additional training or reporting  

Our own customers know the value that having a dedicated team can provide when navigating the complexity and necessity of a comprehensive multi-day tour system. You can see how the overall journey works here with our Proven Process overview.